For many of our long-standing loyal clientele B&D BBQ ismost certainly a not-to-be missed dining spot and we want to ensure that thislocal gem is shared with all our fabulous guests.
B&D’s is a unique and special dining option when stayingin the West End. While Anguilla is best known for its fine dining scene oftenfeaturing beach-front dining, white linen tablecloths and 5-star immaculateservice, B&D’s takes you back to basics and truly shows that in Anguilla, oftenless can truly mean more.
This restaurant is in the village of Long Bay which has astrong sense of community ties and people who take true pride in their islandhome and tourism product. While it is not on the beach, it is a casualroad-side dining option where Bernice & Steven Hodge share their family yardand their fabulous home-made cuisine.
Being a popular spot with locals and tourists alike, therestaurant is only open weekly on Fridays and Saturdays (Thursdays in highseason) for lunch and dinner. A limited amount of fresh local seafood includingwhole snapper and lobster when available is complimented by succulent BBQChicken and Ribs. The sides are simple, yet yummy, including rice & peas orfries, cole slaw, macaroni salad and world class Johnny Cakes! Fun fact aboutJohnny cakes is that they were originally called ‘Journey Cakes’ as they weremade to accompany the hard-working island men on long journeys abroad as theyleft to find work and support their families.
The spot is fabulous for take-away orders allowing you tobring local dining back to your beautiful balcony at Carimar or you can have aseat in their yard and join in the local action and be a part of a vibrantcommunity. As with many island eateries you don’t go expecting the fastestservice, but with a little patience (grab yourself a beer from the cooler whileyou wait), we promise B&D’s is 100% worth it.

Being a 3-minute drive from Carimar and a mere 10-minutewalk, we can’t recommend a more authentic for a traditional Caribbean Meal thatwon’t break the bank! Just follow the road up the hill passing Malliouhana onthe left, and you will find it after another couple of minutes’ walk on yourright. While the wait might be a bit tedious, we promise you won’t find abetter priced whole snapper on the island! If you are craving johnny cakes or alobster/ whole fish we recommend calling in advance or showing up early asthese will sell out daily.
Bernice and her family are long-standing family friends anda true testament to Anguillian Hospitality reminding our family why we fell inlove with the island many decades ago. I only hope that by writing this, therewill still be a spot for us with Bernice and her family when going up the hillnext weekend!